فارسی عربي

‘The Savior’ wins nom at Rotary filmfest in Turkey

The Int’l Rotary Short filmfest in Turkey nominates Iran’s ‘The Savior’.

The 2022 edition of the International Rotary Short Film Festival (ROFIFE) in Turkey has nominated Iranian short flick ‘The Savior’.

Directed by Soheila Pour-Mohammadi, the short film is shortlisted for an award at the Fiction section of the 14th run of the event.

‘Hasat’ directed by Omer Faruk Yardimci, ‘The Young’ by Cine Promo, Hassan Serin’s ‘Hello Afrika’, and ‘Ayni Gecenin Laciverti’ directed by Nuri Cihan Ozdogan are the other titles in competition with Pour-Mohammadi’s short flick.

‘The Savior’ tells the story of a little kid who is traumatized following the death of her mother.

After the tragic incident, the child cannot stand the death of other living creatures.

Her father is a fisherman. When the man brings home the fish, he notices that his daughter takes them back to the sea. She says she needs to save them as they are dying.

The film has already taken part in a number of international events, including the Beijing International Children’s Film Festival in China, the Meihodo International Youth Visual Media Festival in the US, and the International Women Filmmakers Festival in Turkey.

The ROFIFE is powered by Rotary, a “non-governmental organization being represented in United Nations Organization, services across the world through nearly 34 thousands Rotary Club and 1.2 million Rotarian. Rotarians are societal leaders which have succeeded in their jobs and occupations and share their times, accumulations and abilities in order to assist society in which they keep living primarily as well as whole humanity”, according to the official website of the event.

This year’s edition of the fest was held on March 18-20. The awarding ceremony of the gala is planned for March 25.

